Sunday, 25 January 2015

Dangerous Bed

Thursday was Ladies Coffee morning at the compound, and I met some of the girls that live here, and some of their children too, I also got to eat pecans from South Carolina via a cookie from Karen who hails from that neck of the woods. Having joined the Whatsapp for the compound there are invites being offered and I have taken myself in hand, gone right out of my comfort zone, so far out I not sure I know myself and I am going to be engaging in an Arabic night on 29th at Zamil village, as long as I don't think about it my comfort zone doesn't get a touch of stage fright or make me sick..... I have also excepted another invitation to the Aramco compound for a Thalion Spa presentation, I did ask my beloved what an SPA was as I read it like so S.P.A doh, so tomorrow I will be heading off just after 8am for my SPA presentation, comfort zone, comfort zone why have you forsaken me.......

My beloved arrived home in the early hours of Friday Morning, bringing with him the news of the passing of the Saudi Arabian King, and so Long live the new King. 

I left my beloved to sleep whilst I went to the gym then organised the house, he eventually woke and I fed him and we caught up on his news from Tunisia and how he managed to get ten tins of Harrisa through the airport at Doha, hooray! Been a while since we had proper Harrisa

We went out yesterday after our gym visit and were delighted to find quite a few stores open, so one of the stores we discovered was City and a lovely store it was too, all kinds of household goods oh and a Costa coffee tucked away in the corner, not my favourite coffee usually but the Arabic coffee is so not to my liking I thought surely the Italian coffee can't be so bad, and I was pleasantly surprised to find my Americano delightful to the palette, I really am becoming multicultural with my coffees. From here we headed to Homecentre and my beloved almost fell in a dead faint when we purchased our new bedding, a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, a duvet cover for summer and a bedspread for now, plus four pillows, how mucccccch he breathed from his semi upright position, I reminded him had he been in the UK it would have cost a lot more than our SAR for the same bed sets.... So we now have a lovely set for our bedroom and the colour is not my usual choice either, it's somewhere between English mustard and baby poop and I love it..

We took a trip downtown and again were pleasantly surprised to find some of the stores were open, we found all sorts of stores from bedding to Abaya's to shoe stores and food, and had a ball walking in and out of the little alleyways of streets not knowing what was around the corner, when 4pm arrived the noise on the streets increased with the street hawkers shouting out their wares. 

It turns out that our bed is a very dangerous place to be, and I'm not talking about the sleeping arrangement, whilst making the oversized bed which doesn't fit our lovely bedding we received as a wedding gift hence the new extra large bedding, I got caught up in the bedspread and crunch! thats the ankle buggered, I have been icing it ever since with ice wrapped in a tea towel, when the dog isn't stealing my ice that is...

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