Tuesday, 13 January 2015


So we left Bahrain and headed for the causeway, it really is a magnificent structure but unfortunately the weather was not the greatest for seeing way off into the distance but I made the most of it, just as we reached the causeway I remembered my tent and quickly threw it over my head, and began taking photos of our journey.  Luckily we had a very uneventful journey, and having learned at the very tender age of 18 how best to use your elbows when confronted with people who have no idea about queuing I was seen right away at the customs/immigration department on the causeway, this entailed photos and fingerprints. I was most disappointed that no ink was used in the process, it's all about scanning these days, I was hoping to be covered in war paint for at least a few days, you know so I could stick my fingers up at any passing strangers and say 'oh yeah, I been fingerprinted.....'

We carried on our journey and finally entered Khobar, travelled past the mall which I'm sure will become very familiar to me in the next few years, and finally arrived at our new home, Al Mohamadia compound which is situated very close to the sea and apparently on a clear day I will have a good view of the causeway off in the distance, but not today.

I snuck in the house and my beloved let Stitch out of his living area and I was so happy to see him, and he was delighted to see me too, he was jumping around like a dog with two tails, on my lap, off my lap, around and around, and then we took him for a tour of the compound and a pee stop, obviously for him not me, I use indoor toilets you know.

Our first evening in Saudi Arabia was spent in Dhahram mall, we wandered around trying to find a sim card for my phone and then took our supper at a brilliant Chinese restaurant which fortunately didn't stop for evening prayers, because I was starving by this time.

I have noticed that as they drive so do they walk, some not all Saudi's have a complete disregard for others in their way, so needless to say a couple of Saudi's felt my handbag last night after they tried to walk though instead of round my beloved, if you carry it just at the right height and remember I'm short it can quite easily incapacitate a gentleman who has a complete lack of his own space control whilst walking.  All in all our first night in Saudi together was pretty darned good.

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