Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Dirty Dog

Poor Stitch is beginning to think he now lives with the lovely gentleman from doggie day care, he has been in and out more times than my ten hour curry I cooked for five..... the only down side is he now smells like a dog, no longer does he have the baby powder smell I keep spraying over him when his back is turned, no longer do his feet smell fresh and cheese free so this morning regardless of the fact that tomorrow he is back in again I bathed that bad boy, but really what is it with him drinking his bath water.  So now pupdog smells of wet dog and shampoo, nice.

Getting back to the ten hour but only cooked for five curry, well let me tell you it was another feat of culinary engineering on my part, I browned it, I threw it about the pot doused it with spices and sealed the lid before trying to work out how best to speed up the slow cook, in the end I settled for an increase in heat and a five hour reduction in time, the resulting dish did not disappoint and if I was not going away this weekend I would have been trying it for ten hours just for the hell of it.

Friday morning we took pupdog for a walk along the corniche, his first trip into town and it was lovely, if a little breezy which is ideal when you carry a tent on your shoulders and modesty stops you lifting the edges to air your legs, we met lots of families and they all wanted to say hello to Stitch who would only let the children get about a foot into his space and then hide behind my legs, but at least we know now that walking with Stitch on his lead in the centre of Khobar is not going to be an issue he may very well get another walk along the corniche in the not to distant future, I don't think I would subject him to being closer to the roads though, sea front it is for this hound, because I have a feeling he would be sitting on my head rather than walking with the craziness that passes for driving on the roads of Al Khobar.

link to an exceptional recipe for lamb

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